Suite à la venue d’étudiants de l’institut Marc PERROT le 13 janvier 2016, l’article ci-dessous été publié sur leur site Internet :

Students of the Master in Management and Entrepreneurship for a Positive Economy paid a visit to Ludovic Chavoix who welcomed them in his company RHA+. As an experienced person in purchasing, this meeting was a great opportunity for the students to both have a better understanding on this particular function in the company as well as a feedback on his entrepreneurial adventure.

As he initially comes from a juridical background, he first gave us an insight on his professional experiences to explain how his studies gave him the opportunity to start a purchasing carrier in Alstom thanks to his knowledge of contracts. Staying 8 years in this company, Ludovic Chavoix acquired a good experience in this field and soon became manager before quitting for a small consultant cabinet in purchasing. Even though this new structure quickly went bankrupt, the experience gave him the taste for entrepreneurship, and, after two other jobs in big groups (Valéo and Aost), in which he used his knowledge of the purchasing function in the frame of cost reduction policies, he eventually started his own company: RHA+.

Created in 2009, this company is specialised in advising and accompanying companies for both the purchasing and the HR functions. Ludovic Chavoix gave students a feedback on his experience of entrepreneurship by telling them the story of his company from the very first steps of the creation of his structure when he was alone, to its current situation with a 1 million euros benefit on last year.

Students exchanged on the different types of profiles one can meet in the purchasing function and how they are complementary. Ludovic Chavoix also gave students advice on how to become a good purchaser according to him. They learned that purchasers need to have a very complete and professional view of what they are buying, need to always be informed and organized so that they can adapt their strategy.

This visit allowed students to have a more operational view on the role of purchasing and was perfectly in line with their classes. Ludovic Chavoix insisted on the fact that purchasing is not only a cost reduction pool for the company but also the opportunity to create value.